Rebel Massage Therapy, Hilliard Ohio Massage Therapist | Massage Therapist in Columbus, Ohio specializing in therapeutic and medical massage. Pain reduction Massage in Ohio. Massage Therapist Near Me
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Sometimes self-care takes an act of rebellion.

Medically minded therapeutic massage specializing in pain reduction.

Rebel Massage Therapy in Hilliard Ohio Medical Massage Therapy for Pain Management in Columbus Ohio Licensed Massage Therapist

health is not a luxury product.

The message from the world and society is “push through your pain; work harder; be stronger.” I am here to say: pain is not normal; stress is not a noble burden, and real strength is found in knowing your limitations, and taking steps to self care. We are given one body. Caring for it is our responsibility.

Health is not a luxury product.

Self-Care is not a luxury.

Massage is not a luxury, it’s healthcare.

The revolution? It’s brewing and shifting in those moments of self care that say: “the world can wait for ME this once.”

Mollie B. Rausch, LMT and NMT

My first experience with massage therapy was as a client, over 10 years ago. Those closest to me said, “You don’t have the money!” “You don’t have the time!” and “You aren’t giving enough of yourself to your family.” I felt guilty for trying to get relief and invest in myself. I started to think that there was always something more pressing than that nagging hip pain, that headache, those body aches, or the extreme fatigue that for me later developed into multiple autoimmune issues.

The voices in our heads will always tell us that we aren’t worth the effort, that our pain doesn’t matter, or that other things need to come first.

But the things that we set aside in order to take care of our health will still be there when we come back. We deserve to be living life to the fullest in every stage of our existence, and that includes now. We deserve the care and love that we withhold from ourselves to try and earn the approval of temporary people. The revolution? It’s just you, like me, saying enough!

So, do it. Rebel.

Do what it takes to feel better. When the world tells you to be more productive and to work harder and longer - slow down, connect, and take care of yourself. Like me, you may be called rebellious. You may be told you’re being selfish - when in fact, you’re just trying your best not to fall apart. Dare to own your destiny and be your own revolution. Like me, you will find you are your best to others when you are best to yourself.

Mollie B. Rausch graduated from the American Institute of Alternative Medicine, where she completed the Western Massage Therapy program and Neuromuscular Therapy Certification in 2020. Mollie is a Licensed Massage Therapist by the Ohio State Medical Board.

Mollie Rausch Licensed Massage Therapist and Neuro Muscular Therapist in Hilliard Ohio Pain Management Therapist for Massage for Nerve Pain
Licensed Massage Therapy in Hilliard Ohio Pain Management Holistic Massage Therapy for Medical Use Massage Therapist specializing in Neuro Muscular Therapy
Neuro Muscular Massage Therapist in Columbus Ohio Pain Management Hilliard Ohio Licensed Massage Therapist for Nerve Pain Near Me
A Woman Doing Massage Therapy
Medical massage services in Columbus Ohio. Pain factors and fascia issues. Pain management massage in Columbus Ohio

Maybe your body remembers trauma (physical or emotional) and it contributes to your self-protective posture even now that you’re safe. Maybe it’s the stress of the traffic you drive in daily or the muscles that have knotted up in protest from lifting a cranky child, swinging a hammer, or sitting at an ill-fitted desk. Regardless of the cause, getting you back on the road to healing is the goal.

Stagnant blood, scar tissue, or fascial binding can all contribute to pain factors. Medical and therapeutic massage can help or entirely shift tissues to get things flowing well again. Fascia can cause up to 2,000 pounds of pressure per square inch and never show up on an MRI. That bound fascia can refer pain to another area or be as sinister as pinching nerves and locking up muscles all while having a very deceptive origin point that may even come from multiple locations.

Using the strategies of neuromuscular therapy, myofascial release, and tools such as CBD-infused massage oil to help calm the pain down, mixed in with Swedish strokes to calm the nervous system, even heat or cold therapy to pump blood to the area; collectively, the tools are here to help relieve the ache, sharp pain, and dysfunction.

My goal is to work as a team through education and effective communication to get you back to functioning at your pain-free best.

My role is as a listener and responder to your very fibers and pain. I see you; I hear your goals, and I want to help you reach them. I invite you to come and relax; to let me sift through your muscle fibers and to listen to what your body is saying.

Services and Specialties

Swedish Massage

Gentle, kneading strokes lull you to another universe of relaxation. Optional warm towels give muscles permission to release any tension remaining. Known to induce sleep!

Deep Tissue

A massage focusing on knots and improvement of blood flow to locked up muscles.

Neuromuscular Therapy

Massage that includes myofascial techniques and trigger point work.

Human anatomy of nerves and muscles. Trauma Aware Massage Therapist Neuro Muscular Therapy
A Man Getting Cupping Therapy

Contact Information


4984 Scioto-Darby Rd

Suite B2

Hilliard, Ohio 43026

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