Contraindications for Massage.

Eligibility for massage is determined by the risk for both the client and the practitioner. For the client, massage can and often does dramatically increase blood flow. Massage helps the body heal itself by bringing nutrient-rich blood to areas that may be experiencing a lack of blood flow. That being said, when considering contraindications (circumstances or conditions for which you should not be treated with massage) we think about blood flow, and avoid treating clients with conditions or areas of the body in which rapidly increased blood flow could risk complications. Here are some of the complications massage can cause; in other words, contraindications you should discuss with me prior to your treatment:

INFECTIONS, COLDS, & FLUS. Massage may cause increased circulation of an illness (such as infections, colds, flus, strep, etc.), causing the illness to spread further and potentially overwhelm the immune system. Your body is already fighting to heal an issue and adding more stress in the movement of blood and lymph can cause overwhelm. Please wait until all infection has passed and you have been symptom and fever free for at least 24 hours.

BLOOD CLOTS. Massage may dislodge blood clots. Talk to me if you currently or recently had deep vein thrombosis, stroke, pulmonary embolism, or recent surgical procedures.

ORGAN FAILURE. The increase of blood flow from massage can overwhelm already struggling organs. Contraindications include end stage renal disease, uncontrolled diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, etc.

UNCONTROLLED CONDITIONS (DIABETES & HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE). Massage can complicate uncontrolled conditions. In uncontrolled or brittle diabetes, massage may cause spikes or drops in blood sugar due to altered metabolization of glucose. Massage with uncontrolled high blood pressure may cause kidneys to be overwhelmed.

PREGNANCY. Early pregnancies may be placed at risk by an increase in blood flow. In rare cases, activation of pressure points by massage can cause early labor. It is imperative to tell your practitioner if you are expecting. Please note: I do not offer treatment during pregnancy at this time.

SUBSTANCE ABUSE . Massage can cause the body to metabolize drugs faster than is safe, and as a result, overwhelm your organs. Substance abuse such as drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited.

PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS . Your therapist needs to know the medications you are on. The use of pain meds, muscle relaxers, and antidepressants can affect your ability to feel your typical pain threshold, which may cause accidental trauma due to your decreased ability to feel pain. Taking blood thinners will also alter the techniques your therapist would use in your massage, in order to not cause bruising or to flood your organs with blood that is thinner, more moveable blood..

SKIN CONDITIONS. (such as impetigo, shingles, herpes outbreak, poison ivy, cellulitis, and others) puts the client at risk for spread or systemic overwhelm. If you are experiencing an outbreak, let your practitioner know. Skin conditions may be contagious and a risk for the practitioner and client alike. In the case of skin conditions, Increasing blood flow can cause a more systemic invasion and your therapist will need to use different techniques. In the case of a small isolated area that can be avoided during the massage, you may be able to be seen. Otherwise, please wait until you are healed.

COVID-19. Please do not schedule a massage if you have been in contact with anyone experiencing COVID-19, or have been traveling or are not being careful with COVID-19 guidelines. If you could not currently pass a COVID-19 test, please do not schedule a massage. I have several autoimmune diseases and take immune altering medications that put me at a very high risk for either severe illness or death. Please err on the side of caution and safety as COVID-19 also continues to change and vary. Mask-wearing is mandatory during the entirety of our interaction (please wear a mask at all times).

My goal is to provide the safest environment possible for both my clients, and myself. Please contact me at if you have any questions regarding contraindications.